Monday, February 27, 2017

MTN unlimited browsing with VPN blocked consider using airtel BIS for now

MTN unlimited browsing with VPN blocked consider using airtel BIS for now

It was a sad one indeed yesterday when people browsing unlimitedly with the various and available VPN services and their MTN line woke up to notice that the whole package has being blocked once again by the almighty MTN. There are no doubts that browsing without data bundle limitation remains the best form of browsing that internet users crave for and that supply one with all the browsing freedom one can really think of, especially when you remember how you downloaded those bulky files, applications, music and videos with ease and without the fear of exhausting any data bundle or even without remembering that there are still restrictions on data bundle without making use of VPN.

MTN unlimited browsing with VPN blocked, consider using airtel BIS for now

But what else can one do for now since the almighty MTN will always block this package from time to time. I really know how webmasters and internet users this time are feeling especially those that have made use of the MTN-VPN package in the past, I have tested it and I know how it feels. Nobody likes limitation even that your dog that you left in the cage is not happy with you for restriction her freedom of movement but in this case, freedom of browsing. And where it even gets worst is that after testing unlimited browsing, then getting back to use any other network that for browsing that has data bundle limit (even if it is 10GB per month) becomes extremely worrisome.

You can read on how to use your airtel unlimited BISplan on your PC

But still as the saying goes ‘’ that have a loaf is always better than none’’ or better still another common saying that ‘’a bird at hand is worth more than millions in the bush’’ and considering the fact here now that it is a must for you to get back on the internet to continue your online activities, then the limited but affordable browsing bundle package becomes the only alternative for now until any other form of unlimited browsing package comes out again.

You can also read on how to know if your airtel SIM iseligible for the N1,500, 4GB, 2 months plan

To the best of our knowledge for now, the most affordable form of browsing data on PC and other devices remains the use of Airtel BIS. Because even as I am writing and posting this article the internet access glory goes to Airtel BIS. And the good about browsing on PC with the Airtel BIS is that it just require a direct connection with your modem to your PC without the use of any third party software and airtel seems to remain the only network that has never blocked this package before thereby making the airtel network reliable when it comes to this mode of browsing. Other networks has from time to time freed these services but has also blocked it as time goes by.

You may want to read the latest updates on Airtel BIS plans

The only downside now on the airtel BIS browsing with PC is that due to influx of web surfers on the airtel network, the network is a kind of getting populated and saturated thereby reducing the speed of internet access for now, but nonetheless you can still enjoy internet speed with it depending on your location and the time you do get on the internet.

Above all the airtel BIS is still rocking currently and you can always decide to come rock along whenever you so wish. You can always get all the airtel BIS affordable plans, their subscription codes, cost, plan duration and data caps.

Welcome to the world of airtel browsing.

Available link for download