Saturday, February 25, 2017

My Week So Far

My Week So Far

I just thought Id quickly drop in and share some photos from my phone over the past few days... I take approximately 100 photos a day. Whether its for work, or personal... there are a lot. 

Wednesday and Thursday I painted a really fun mural on the ceiling of a playroom for a client. She had me over for a consult, and basically let me take the reigns from there. I was inspired by some vintage toys that she had, and thats where I got the color scheme from. Ill post final pics of this project next week, but here are some teasers for now:

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our awesome color scheme. Inspired by Dr. Seuss! I was an idiot, and got wayyyy too much paint. I could have bought all quart sizes. I never do stuff like that, but for some reason I wasnt sure if the quart sizes were going to be big enough. Oh well.

we decided to do a dotted ceiling, and had the walls painted in Sherwin Williams "Swimming," before I came in. Generally, I like Benjamin Moore, but SW has great bright colors, in my opinion.

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I made a compass to draw my circles with! it worked great. I used it mainly for the big ones - the smaller ones I was able to just eyeball and free hand paint on.

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wweeeeeeeeee!! fun, huh? This is not a finished shot, but its a good teaser. There was still another color left to do, and some more dots to be added.

We also had the closet painted in a bright, tomatoey, Dr Seussy red:

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I suggested that we paint the inside tomato red, and my client had the doors removed so that the kids can get to their arts closet easily! We are going to get some good baskets and make it all cute. All the trim/doors is getting a fresh coat of white paint today.  I added the turquoise to the barn door that is in there - doesnt it look cute?! I always say that things turn out best when clients just let me go with my flow. haha! By the way, you may have seen some of these already if you follow me on instagram (@kristenfdavisdesigns). I cant help but post stuff like this as I go, when Im painting and getting excited. other news...

I visited a local glass artist in Cabbagetown the other day, for another design project Im working on. She makes stained glass art, and her stash was beautiful:

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I will share the final project with you when its done.

Another fun project I completed yesterday was this painting:

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it was a commission, and they wanted red/teals/blue-navys. I think its fun and playful. Reminds me of a goldfish pond?! I cant wait to see it installed in their house!

one last project I finished this week (I told you I have been busy - and I still did another project this week that I havent shared yet either) is a toy box for a client. Here is what it looked like before:

and now:

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:) sweet & cute!

alright, Im off to do some errands! hope you guys have a great weekend. 

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