Friday, February 17, 2017

My Life Squared

My Life Squared

I am not sure why I love square cropped photos, maybe because they feel retro to me or just the fact that they are different. I love Instagram and I am on there daily catching up with friends, making new friends or simply sharing things that inspire me.

I thought it would be fun to grab some of the photos I have taken during the week and share them here. Some have been shared on Instagram and some havent.

Here we go.... 11.29.13 - 12.05.13

The kids and I created our own ornaments this year for a little Woodland themed Christmas tree. This is one of our feather in a glass ball ornaments. 

The kids on our holiday photo shoot. OH how I adore these three with all my heart! 

Little felt Owl made with a free printable Woodland Creatures ornament pattern over on D & P Celebrations

I went to three stores looking for Advent Calendars with no luck...So Aly and I made our own with D & P Celebrations new "Crayon Boxes" (available in 2014). We strung up 24 of them on this fun chicken wire frame I got from Home Goods over the summer. 

I am a huge Starbucks hot chocolate fan and my oldest son, Tyler came up with a recipe that tastes just like it. 
1 TBLS Unsweetened Cocoa Powder + 1 TBLS Sugar + 1.5 Cups of steaming milk. Mix the cocoa powder and sugar together then add the hot milk, stir and enjoy!!! SO YUMMY!! 

SNOW...COLD...and more COLD!!! I love how pretty snow is, not a fan of the cold and really wish that when it did snow it would just magically stay off the streets. Is it SUMMER yet?

See you next week!


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