Sunday, March 5, 2017

Much too long

Much too long

It has been too long since my last post. Between taking a very short vacation, being extra busy at work, and having a couple freelance projects that are taking up the majority of my free time, I havent had a lot of time to make fun things to post on my blog. I know, its no excuse, I apologize.
Now here is the good news: in a very, very short time, I will be able to reveal what I have been working on for the last year and a half! Exciting! And I suspect that the 12 of you who read my blog either A. already know what that is because you are Dave, Joe, Jed, Bill, or my sister, or B. will totally want to find out more once I spill the beans! Stay tuned for that...

In other good news, I have to let everybody know how proud I am of Dave for winning the bumper contest!!!! If you havent seen "Furnick", please do so now. You will not be disappointed.

And now I leave you with this: treasure I found at Wondercon several weeks ago. "Maile" is one of a limited edition of dolls that Chris Sanders (creator/director of "Lilo and Stitch") created for the 2007 Comic Con. "Maile" (in her skull and crossbones dress) fits right in on my desk at work, where we are all pirates. It was just meant to be.

Aloha for now. Ill be back with new things soon.

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