Saturday, March 4, 2017

Mural More

Mural More

Last week, I did a logo mural for an office here in Atlanta. You wouldnt think painting 8 dots would be very difficult, but figuring out the sizing and spacing wasnt the easiest thing to do.

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I had to move them around a few times to get the scale and proportions right, but we were happy in the end!

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This was in an office building in downtown Atlanta, and it was funny carrying my ladder and supplies around in the city.

This weekend, I got around to a little gardening in the front yard. I really like working in the yard. Picking out shrubs and annuals isnt easy, though! I planted some things last year, but obviously the small flowers have died, and its time to replant. I never planted any bushes in the front of the porch, so I decided it was time to do that.

I bought a ton of stuff at Lowes (but still have a lot of work to do)

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I like these bright greenish yellow ones that I selected:

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After I placed them. I removed these mint green pouf ball things that are cute (and were here when we moved in) and planted them on the side yard.

and after I planted them:

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I also did the planters on the sides of the front doors:

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and I bought this weird succulent/cactus thing that I ended up placing between the two adirondack chairs on our front porch on my mid-century modern rusty planter (found at Scotts Antique Market last spring for like $5)

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I might move it to the back porch where it can be in a bigger planter and get more full time sun.

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yes, our furniture is chained down. Haha. We live in the city! I should probably take that off at this point.

still need some pine straw, too!

Max and I sat in the sun in the backyard for a few minutes on Saturday, and I took this picture. So nice!

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I also worked on a painting for the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra show house, where Im helping Chip Wade with the design in his outdoor space. I did this painting for the space:

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its 6 feet tall! Gigantic. We actually got together last week and worked on it, doing the beginning stages of prep work, then I came back and finished it. It was a fun project, and I think its going to finish the space off nicely. I was over at the ASO Showhouse yesterday, and there are some gorgeous spaces... everyone should visit!

Alright, off to send some emails and then do some painting. Have a great Wednesday!

Available link for download