Monday, March 6, 2017

Multiple Personalities Unite!

Multiple Personalities Unite!

Im having a writers identity crisis. Highlights accepted and will be publishing an easy reader story of mine, an editor is considering my middle grade historical, and Ive written a YA murder mystery and am presently writing a YA dystopian sci-fi. I am not so confident that I think that I can do it all. But I do love it all. Should I follow only what Ive had success in? Or should I write stories that I love and embrace my split personality?
If you havent been writing very long, then I recommend you write what you love, and write a lot of all of it.

If you have been writing for a while, then my experience is this: some writers really do write for all kinds of age groups successfully. If youre one of those, congratulations.

And other writers, having written all the genres and age groups that they love for some time, look back on that writing and realize that while they love all those genres and age groups equally, their writing has been strongest in one or two of them.

Its easy to love what youre working on now, or have recently finished. But the manuscript youre still really proud of after youve written several more can tell you something powerful about who you are as a writer. And if you figure that out, congratulations indeed.

Available link for download