Friday, February 3, 2017

My Simple Fall Weekend Recap

My Simple Fall Weekend Recap

My weekend was so nice. It was not very eventful though. It was quiet, but I got some great rest and I felt super productive. As I am getting older, I cherish weekends like that, ha! 

Friday after work, I went to the gym for 45 minutes of cardio on the Elliptical and an upper body weight circuit. Since I boxed on Thursday evening and my pushed myself extremely hard, I felt just as motivated Friday. I lifted very, very heavy -- heavier than I have in a while. 

After my awesome workout, I came home to shower and get ready. I then met Alexis and her husband Daniel at our favorite local spot; Cantina 1511. We had our favorite strawberry Margaritas and dinner. I had so much fun -- we three always do! Tons of laughs and good food and drink is my favorite way to start the weekend.
Saturday morning I woke up more sore than I have been in a long time, which was a great feeling. Because of what I have been going through over the past month, my weight loss has been a little stagnant and I have not been pushing myself to the "limit" like I normally love to do. I busted through that though and my body paid the price. Though I was up early since I slept great Friday night, I was really lazy through the early afternoon.

I did rent a good documentary on demand called "Fed Up". It was utterly disturbing, sad, but a must see. It revealed how the biggest food companies in United States effect the "truth" as we know it about health and nutrition. I dont know about you guys, but to me, it is disheartening knowing that companies like Coke and Lays fund a LOT of university research, federal organizations, and politicians. The documentary also focused on the effects that sugar has on the brain (which is similar to cocaine), and childhood obesity. 

Later on in the evening I finally got a burst of energy so I did a little food prep, laundry, then completely cleaned out my closet. The weather has been so nice this weekend and a bit chilly. I think fall is here to stay, thus I decided to pull out my warmer clothes and put up the summer ones. Doing that gave me the inspiration to clean and organize my closet. 

The fun did not stop there though, ha. Afterwards I cleaned out the big cabinet below my bathroom sink, which looked like train wreck. I am constantly getting my hair tools and makeup out of there so it was a mess. The before and after clearly shows that!
Today I caught an early showing of "Gone Girl". I was so excited to see it and it was even better than I thought it was going to be. It was such a freaking good movie; lots of twists and turns with great acting. It is a must see and now I want to read the book. Usually when I go to the movies, I indulge in the "Kids Pack" popcorn/gummy bear/soda combination, but I am trying to be better, so I resisted and brought my water and Quest Bar. Ugh, the struggles... but at least my protein bar is delicious.
Once the movie was over, I knew I had to go outside and take advantage of the beautiful afternoon so I went for an hour jog/walk on the greenway behind my apartment. 

I am not as sore, so I had a really good jog. When I finished I took a shower, ate an early dinner, then finished the rest my food prep for the week. 

Now its time for my Sunday night shows and I am super happy that Bar Rescue is back tonight. I hope you guys had a great weekend that fall is headed yalls way!

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