Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Mostly Admin

Mostly Admin

Just to say, the tickets for the first three John Finnemores Priory Engagement have now sold out. I have downloaded the names and emails on the Doodle list as it stands at the moment - if your name is on the list, your ticket will be reserved at the door until 7:45 on the day or days you ticked; and can be paid for on the door.  

If between now and then you find you cant come, thats fine; but could you take your name off the Doodle list, so that someone else can come in your place. However, to guard against someone simply removing a name to free up a space (though I know perfectly well that no-one reading this would dream of doing a mean thing like that) could you also please drop a line - no explanation needed, it can just be as simple as not coming on the 18th - to the following email address: the last two words of the show, the ones with the initials P.E., all one word, @hotmail.co.uk; using the email address you gave when you put your name down. Thanks.

There will be more shows in the run - if this experiment works, Ill put them up on Doodle in the same way in a week or two. If it doesnt, well just have to go back to rotten old booking fees. But I bet it will. 

And now, as a poor reward for wading through that dull wodge of information that statistically is very unlikely to be relevant to you, an advert on the tube which made me laugh.

Not even this one! And this ones in a pond! 

Available link for download