Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Nabilah JKT48 Sunshine Becomes You 2015 Full Movie

Nabilah JKT48 Sunshine Becomes You 2015 Full Movie

 Nabilah JKT48 Sunshine Becomes You (2015) Full Movie

Download Film Nabilah JKT48 Sunshine Becomes You (2015) Full Movie

Judul : Sunshine Becomes You
Film Tayang: 23 Desember 2015
Genre Film: Romance, Comedy, Drama
Produksi: Hitmaker Studios
Produser: Rocky Soraya, Ram Soraya
Sutradara: Rocky Soraya
Penulis: Riheam Junianti
Durasi Film: Menit
Rating Film: [R 13+]
Para Pemain: Herjunot Ali, Nabilah Jkt48, Boy William, Annabella Jusuf

Film Sunshine Becomes You ini mengisahkan Alex Hirano, pianis terkenal keturunan Jepang, lebih sering dalam suasana hati buruk. Ia sedang uring-uringan memikirkan konser yang akan diadakan seminggu lagi. Tak ada yang mampu mengubah suasana hatinya ketika terserang bad mood, bahkan adiknya sendiri, Ray Hirano, anggota grup B-Boy. Satu hari, Ray mengajak Alex bertemu gadis yang dia cintai, yaitu Mia Clark, penari balet kontemporer berbakat, di tempatnya mengajar dansa.

Menari adalah hidupnya. Menari adalah jiwanya. Tidak ada yang mampu mengubah itu ketika kondisi tubuhnya mencegah dia mencapai cita-citanya. Saat dia putus asa dan ingin melakukan sesuatu yang bodoh, dia tidak sengaja menyebabkan tangan kiri Alex Hirano patah. Kejadian tersebut membuat Mia merasa bersalah dan dia bersedia menebus kesalahannya dengan cara apapun. Mia menawarkan diri menjadi tangan kiri Alex sampai laki-laki itu sembuh dan Alex menerimanya sebagai pengurus rumah pribadinya. Dengan berat hati Mia harus menghadapi tatapan maut yang dapat menghentikan jantungnya.

Awalnya Alex Hirano lebih memilih jauh-jauh dari gadis itu: malaikat kegelapan yang membuatnya susah. Kemudian Alex Hirano tersenyum, dan jantung Mia melonjak dan berdebar begitu keras. Tapi pelan-pelan rahasia yang disimpan Mia terungkap: kenapa ia tidak bisa menari di atas panggung megah, kenapa ia tidak boleh lelah dan kenapa ia tidak boleh jatuh cinta.


Download Film Nabilah JKT48 Sunshine Becomes You (2015) Full Movie

Nabilah JKT48 Sunshine Becomes You (2015) Full Movie - Server 1
Nabilah JKT48 Sunshine Becomes You (2015) Full Movie - Server 2

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Monday Made It 2 Silhouette and Debbie Diller in one post!

Monday Made It 2 Silhouette and Debbie Diller in one post!

I’ve officially demolished a Silhouette cutting mat in my first attempts at using it.  But, that is irrelevant because I have made my first Silhouette project.  It’s not particularly awe-inspiring, but it’s a start.

I use numbers to keep track of my students and last year I wrote the numbers on sticks – and just kept them in a container.  Very blah, and uninspired.  What would always happen was, I would misplace sticks that I had chosen because I had nowhere specific for the sticks that had been used…I would also walk around with the holder and misplace that…but I hope all that can be solved.

I’ve created these bright fancy number sticks and holders.  Now every stick has a home, called on or not!  Bonus: everything is bright, so hopefully I can’t misplace anything even if I set the tins in a random place.
Monday Made It - SticksWhy am I glad I used my Silhouette? I DIDN’T HAVE TO CUT ANYTHING!  I printed the circles on colored regular paper, NOT cardstock.  Sent them through the laminator. Then the Silhouette cut them out.  I didn’t have to cut a single circle! 

Hopefully I’ll do something much more fun for next week!  Accepting all Silhouette tips and ideas!  BTW the Tazo Tea Tins are incredibly difficult to recycle!  It was a real chore taking off the labels…even using the goo be gone stuff!

Next, I made these math work station mats.  During summer school I’ve noticed how the kids just love to roll the die as far as possible, and spread the counters all around them, and…well you know how it is.  Even after modeling and explaining, I still catch the odd flying die in the corner of my eye. 

Debbie Diller did think of something for this and on page 40 of her book explains the mats.  I bought the shelf-liner from the Dollar Tree.  Duct tape I made two trips – 40% off at Hobby Lobby and Michaels.  So pretty cheap!
Monday Made It - Math Mats
So there you have it!  My latest creations.
To join the linky fun and see what other teachers are creating head over to Taras blog by clicking below:

I won’t be posting again until I finish my back to school packets.  So be on the look out for those.  They’ll be perfect for dual language, bilingual classrooms and regular education teachers looking for some new read alouds and activities.

Happy Monday!
Mrs. Castro

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Moist Vanilla Cupcakes with Chocolate Buttercream Frosting

Moist Vanilla Cupcakes with Chocolate Buttercream Frosting

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Much Loves Hearts

Much Loves Hearts

Have you noticed Annas Much Love Monday? She host a linky and a flickr pool group to share your photos of heart shaped things. Anything. Well, today is my first time submitting after long time admiring. It got me hunt for heart shaped things everywhere. Guess blog post could make you crazier. *chuckles* I love when the photos show that it could be unexpectedly anywhere.

All heart photos here are taken by Anna herself, isnt she has the best-est taste? To see ones from everyone in the blogosphere visit here.

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My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 Full Movie Online 2016

My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 Full Movie Online 2016

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This is the second piece I made for this years Purrr-casso art auction to benefit the Berkeley-East Bay Humane Society. It is ink, watercolor, and collage on Canson paper, and measures about 12"x 6".The auction was held last Sunday in Emeryville and was a great success! So many artists donated so many beautiful pieces - it was a really fantastic time. Thanks so much to all of the artists who donated and all of the people who came out to support the Humane Society!

I am still in the process of winding down after APE and last weeks auction, but I hope to get some new artwork up in the next week or so. In the meantime, I just added the two mini-prints I had at APE ( "Shhhh" and "The Flower of Lanai") to my Etsy shop. I also added my mermaid Holiday cards sometime last week, so check them out! Thanks for stopping by, and have a happy Monday, everybody!

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Name:Ms Spider SolitaireFile size:24 MBDate added:May 24, 2013Price:FreeOperating system:Windows XP/Vista/7/8Total downloads:1212Downloads last week:70Product ranking:★★★☆☆ The programs interface is Ms Spider Solitaire and easy to understand. Users select the source and destination folders they want to use and then select the file type(s) theyre looking for. Users can select graphics, video, or audio Ms Spider Solitaire only, or hand-pick from among 19 file Ms Spider Solitaire. Once the desired file Ms Spider Solitaire are selected, the program goes to work searching for them in the specified location. When Ms Spider Solitaire are Ms Spider Solitaire, the program automatically rips them and saves them to the destination folder. The program does not have a Help file, and although the included Readme file offers very rudimentary instructions for the programs operation, users who arent already familiar with file ripping might have some questions about how the program works. Overall, although the program does not have much in the way of features or options, it does work well and is easy to use. We think it is a good choice for basic file ripping. Ms Spider Solitaire is an RSS feed reader add-in for Microsoft Outlook XP and later. Follow web sites, blogs, Ms Spider Solitaire feeds with Outlook. Ms Spider Solitaire makes it easy to manage your feed subscriptions within Outlook. Ms Spider Solitaire items are kept separate from email so you can work without interference. Supports secure feeds. Works with Outlook standalone or Microsoft Exchange. This utility expedites saving Web content, but it only works with a particular online service. A companion application for the Ms Spider Solitaire Web site, this Ms Spider Solitaire lacks an interface. It merely adds Internet Ms Spider Solitaire and Firefox Ms Spider Solitaire menu options to save whole Ms Spider Solitaire or select content to your online account. Ms Spider Solitaire offers users a fast way to take down notes and stay on top of their ideas. With its Ms Spider Solitaire layout and directions, this tool will find many fans. OMG! Many enemy missiles are falling down to the Papi Town.This is a shooting action game.Slide your finger from a military base to launch Mr.Papi (red ball guy) and break all the enemy missiles.Recent changes:v1.1.6:- fixed a bug: sometimes Ms Spider Solitaire crashes on gameoverv1.1.1:- improves graphics with OpenGL (if possible). If you prefer the old version, set up as: Tools > Advanced settings > Draw API > Canvas, and "Sleep time per frame">10.Content rating: Everyone.

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My crafty habit

My crafty habit

My Lovely Husband is far, far away. He is off being awesome in the USA and I am here, hanging with my three boys. I have almost survived (he will be back on Sunday) and I am TOTALLY ready for him to come home. I miss him, you know? 

So, while he has been gone I have watched a lot of 30 Rock, I have had lots of naps (the little boys visited Nanna and Grandad for a few days) and I have picked up a needle felting habit from my brother in law and nieces.
Needle felting is like some kind of crazy wizard magic. You poke a bundle of fluffy stuff with a tricky needle and it turns into stuff. What? I know. It doesnt make any sense. And it hurts when you stick the needle in your finger.

This little owl was my first attempt. Because, I dont know if you have heard. but I kinda like owls :-) Fro my birthday recently, I received at least 287 owls. And I LOVE THEM ALL.
This lady was my next attempt. A bit more challenging amnd sculptural. You cant really tell, but she has a killer rack. I like her, but she is definately a first try at a new technique. This is like my dream hairdo to. I wanna be an eccentric old lady with fire engine red hair in milk maid braids and way too much eyeliner. And a killer rack.
Im now working on  this little monkey. He is obviously now done yet- I think he will have a tiny little body and maybe some trousers. My Lovely Husband has a panda bear from when he was a child. Apparently, he thought it was inappropriate for the panda to be nude, so he made his mum make the panda a pair of trousers. To cover his shame. How adorable is that???

So, thats my new crafty habit. Do you try new craft techniques very often? Have you tried needle felting? Do you think pandas should wear pants?

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Mostly Admin

Mostly Admin

Just to say, the tickets for the first three John Finnemores Priory Engagement have now sold out. I have downloaded the names and emails on the Doodle list as it stands at the moment - if your name is on the list, your ticket will be reserved at the door until 7:45 on the day or days you ticked; and can be paid for on the door.  

If between now and then you find you cant come, thats fine; but could you take your name off the Doodle list, so that someone else can come in your place. However, to guard against someone simply removing a name to free up a space (though I know perfectly well that no-one reading this would dream of doing a mean thing like that) could you also please drop a line - no explanation needed, it can just be as simple as not coming on the 18th - to the following email address: the last two words of the show, the ones with the initials P.E., all one word, @hotmail.co.uk; using the email address you gave when you put your name down. Thanks.

There will be more shows in the run - if this experiment works, Ill put them up on Doodle in the same way in a week or two. If it doesnt, well just have to go back to rotten old booking fees. But I bet it will. 

And now, as a poor reward for wading through that dull wodge of information that statistically is very unlikely to be relevant to you, an advert on the tube which made me laugh.

Not even this one! And this ones in a pond! 

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My Lovely Husband Part II

My Lovely Husband Part II

Click Here to read Part I

So, a super cool guy had asked me to a concert. I wasnt quite sure whether it was a DATE (cos Im like totally an American teenager from the fifties) or if it was just catching up with someone who was great company and thought I was friend material. Either way, I was looking forward to it. Heaps.

Then something very sad happened. On the 25th of July, my sweet Nanna Tessie passed away. She had been battling dementia for quite some time and her tiny little body finally gave up. She was a super cool chick. I named my business and my blog after her. I loved her a lot. One day Ill tell you the story of how she took me to Cairns on the train when I was about eleven. She made me feel special.
Me and Nanna circa 2000
I remember calling Gavin and telling him I couldnt come to see Liam Finn with him. The show was on the 29th and I would be in Bundaberg with my family for Nannas funeral. He was so sweet and compassionate.

My birthday is the 27th of July. It was a Friday. I felt odd, having a birthday and being happy when my Nanna had just died. I was at work, and a friend phoned our studio to tell me that a handsome English man had just dropped something off for me. It was a birthday gift from Gavin. An album by the Aussie band Old Man RIver. The card said that me and my sisters were to listen to these happy songs on our way to Bundaberg. 

I was blown away by the sweetness and kindness of this man, whom I had only met in real life that one time, but who was so incredibly thoughtful. We did listen to those songs and we did smile.

That weekend was filled with remembering Nanna. Celebrating her and being with my crazy family. We are quite a noisy lot, but I remember finding a quiet moment to tell my mum and dad about this lovely Englishman, whos kindness had made the last few difficult days a little bit easier.

I was little nervous about what would happen when I returned home. I felt like something important was about to happen. I hoped I wasnt wrong...

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Music Alliance Pact April 2014

Music Alliance Pact April 2014

Click the play button icon to listen to individual songs, right-click on the song title to download an mp3, or grab a zip file of the full 27-track compilation through Ge.tt here.

ARGENTINA: ZonaindieThe Plasticos - MarfilThis band from La Plata usually cites British rock acts such as The Kinks, Blur and The Stone Roses as their main influences. However, this track from The Plasticos new album, Kilómetros, is one of our favorites because of its grungy sound that reminds us of the new Argentine rock movement from the late 90s. You can listen to the album on Bandcamp.

AUSTRALIA: Who The Bloody Hell Are They?Dianas - DixThere are moments when all you want to do is kiss the guy who invented the internet. Such is the case when one Bandcamp tag after the other, we stumbled upon Dianas, a trio from the distant city of Perth. Dix is a dreamy drone-pop tune with all those floral notes typical of Scottish indie; kind of like what Camera Obscura might have sounded like on a hot summers night in Western Australia.

BRAZIL: Meio DesligadoIsaar - Tudo Em Volta De Mim Vira Um VãoSort of a sad waltz, Tudo Em Volta De Mim Vira Um Vão is taken from Isaars new album, Todo Calor (roughly translated as "All The Heat"). Originally from Recife, one of Brazils most prolific cities, Isaar shows her strong influences of local culture such as frevo, maracatu and manguebeat, but also flirts with pop music and other contemporary artists like Siba and Orquestra Contemporânea De Olinda.

CANADA: Quick Before It MeltsZoo Legacy - CRWDHybrid hip-hop rockers Zoo Legacy are from Ottawa but have a world-conquering sound. Blending indie-rock, R&B, hip-hop and pop, its impossible to pinpoint which element is the bands focus, and thats exactly what theyve intended. Lines blur and genres blend, but Zoo Legacys gift will always be musical alchemy.

CHILE: Super 45Niño Cohete - El BosqueNiño Cohete, a band from Concepción, packed Teatro La Cupula at Lollapalooza Chile in March. With an EP and a recently released debut album, Aves De Chile, theyre conquering the country with their music. They define their style as "sylvan pop" and new single El Bosque has nice guitar arrangements and a very upbeat melody.

COLOMBIA: El Parlante AmarilloFlaco Flow & Melanina - El DesordenFrom the Colombian Pacific coast comes hip hop duo Flaco Flow & Melanina who, after 12 years, four albums and tours around the world, are still armed with good rhythm and real, powerful lyrics. They never deny their Latin flavor as you can hear in their salsa song El Desorden.

DENMARK: All ScandinavianKristian Harting - KamikazeHaving paid his dues in a bunch of more or less under the radar thrash metal and noise-rock bands for the past 15 years, Kristian Harting has finally released a debut solo album. Float is a personal account of emotional and financial turmoil set to bleak and haunting alt-folk that will get you one way or the other. At least if you have a penchant for this type of music. And a soul. Kamikaze is a MAP exclusive download.

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: La CaseteraR.E.A.L.I.D.A.D. - Cogiendo Fuego feat. Carolina CamachoWe usually dont repeat artists on our MAP submissions, but with this one the team decided to make an exception. Both R.E.A.L.I.D.A.D. and Carolina Camacho have been featured before because they make unique music in their genres. For this track, the fury that fuels rock music and the fierce attitude of rap mix together to defend our people from corruption, softened by Carolinas voice over the chorus. Head to the Bandcamp link above to download Resurgir/Combates Necesarios, the latest EP from R.E.A.L.I.D.A.D.

ECUADOR: Plan ArteriaFernanda Karolys - Vago DesiertosMaría Fernanda Karolys is one of the most powerful and iconic Ecuadorian female voices. After a strong career that has seen her play with bands such as Pulpo 3, Nortec Collective Presents: Clorofila and Helios Jive, she is ready to present her first solo album and Vago Desiertos is the first single.

ENGLAND: Drowned In SoundDouglas Dare - SwimRadioheads influence on modern music is enormous, but its strange how little credit is given to Thoms solo work. The Eraser captivated the imagination of a generation of smart younglings in their bedrooms. Much like Londons James Blake, Dorsets Douglas Dare climbed Harrowdown Hill and had the epiphany to use hints of light for shadow-play. Its little wonder this bloop-loving pianist has ended up on Erased Tapes, home to the likes of Nils Frahm and Ólafur Arnalds, who are set to release his debut album Whelm in May.

ESTONIA: Rada7.eed8p - Gatherd8p dont try to identify themselves by a niche or genre, but rather focus on creating a certain universal feeling, an atmosphere. Melancholic, longing, melodramatic, yet uplifting and danceable, d8p plays with the fine line between euphoria and sadness while also leaving room for surprises. Utilizing complex percussion, simple melodies and unconventional musical structures, d8p aims to take the listener to a place they find familiar yet full of new possibilities.

FINLAND: GlueCaptain Cougar - RiseOn their first two albums, five-piece Captain Cougar perfected rootsy Americana-influenced songs, but with their recently released third album, Åkerblomrörelsen, the band has created bold soundscapes embracing post-rock. Lyrically, it is also very ambitious as it is a history-related concept record that tells the story of Finnish evangelical cult leader and sleep-preacher Maria Åkerblom. Rise is a very good example of this bigger sound.

GREECE: MouxlalouloudaThe Man From Managra - Praise The LordAiming to explore the function of songs as a fundamental necessity of musical expression, The Man From Managra - the new project of Coti K. - conjures up music with a thoroughly minimal feel and austere arrangements, using a modified bass and his voice both deftly and as core elements. Check out Praise The Lord, a gripping and subtly beautiful song, based on a motorik rhythm, repeated simple phrases and ?tellas unique contribution.

INDONESIA: Deathrockstar Bhumi Svara (Cabrini Asteriska & Puti Chitara) - Lokah Samastah Sukhino BhavantuCabrini Asteriska and Puti Chitara are singer-songwriters who have played together since their childhood. After some shared travels they decided to form a musical project to express their life experiences. This song is a Hindu mantra in Sanskrit, may it bring more peace with you.

IRELAND: Hendicott WritingExtra Fox - Come TogetherNeil Adams Extra Fox is one of several current side-projects from Dublin scene heroes The Cast Of Cheers, a smartly bristling bedroom electronica aside. Taking elements of his math-rock mainstays choppy style, Adams charmingly skittish beats and soulful melodies nod towards the neon lights of urban Japan. The man himself credits Com Truise and "that feeling like youre inside an 80s video game" with inspiring a new thought process. The album is available on a pay-what-you-want basis on Bandcamp.

ITALY: PolaroidFlying Vaginas - Happiness And FlourYou could say that Happiness And Flour by the trio Flying Vaginas sounds nothing new, simply classic indie-rock with a long tradition: The Jesus And Mary Chain, Sonic Youth, Clean, Black Tambourine, you name it. Or, to quote some bands from the present: The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart, Crystal Stilts, Girls Names. What makes me particularly happy about this wonderful song is that Flying Vaginas know how to speak the international language really well, and it doesnt happen very often around here. Their great debut EP is also free to download via Bandcamp.

JAPAN: Make Believe MelodiesEarthquake Island - Naked WaterEarthquake Island is usually a solo project based in Tokyo, but for Naked Water the producer behind the music recruited singer Mocca to perform over a lovely, glowing soundtrack that would sound right at home in a church. Her contributions, though, add even more beauty as her vocals overlap one another and give the entire number a Björk-ish edge.

MALTA: Stagedive MaltaBlue Star - Shake It BabyOne of the many projects involving Andre Camilleri, the only record ever made by Blue Star is a five-track EP recorded in 1998. Camilleri spent many years busking on the streets of Berlin and Valletta. While in Malta, Andre put together a five-piece band which included Ian Schranz and Mark Sansone from Beangrowers, resulting in a number of well-received gigs and a self-titled EP. Andre is now based in Australia, his output remains prolific and weve lost count of his numerous recordings.

MEXICO: Red Bull PanamérikaPonce - El MuertoLeonardo Kin Ponces interest in the paranormal was expressed in his music while in his previous bands Timmy & The Monsters and Ghostcatcher. Now he has been working on Ponce, a solo project based on pure Spanish vocals and some IDM elements. His first single El Muerto follows that line and it has been released with some remixes that emphasize the dark, daily aspects of one of the most fearful ideas of existence: death.

PERU: SoTBBondage - Un Video De Los DosFrom Trujillo, a beautiful city in northern Peru, comes one of the most interesting and provocative rock bands in the country. Bondage was formed by Juan Carlos Paredes, who created his style from punk and garage-rock. Un Video De Los Dos is taken from his first album released last year, which has a lot of sensuality and distorted guitars.

PORTUGAL: Posso Ouvir Um Disco?Sequin - NaiveSequin is the solo project of Ana Miró, an extremely talented vocalist who gives new meaning to the blips and bleeps of early 80s electronic music and has a sound reminiscent of the debut albums by Soft Cell and Depeche Mode. However, Sequin, who recently opened for Warpaint in Lisbon, will also be loved by those who are into more recent bands such as Ladytron. Naive is taken from her album Penelope, out on April 21.

PUERTO RICO: Puerto Rico IndieNecronazis - Peligro De MuerteNecronazis are a fixture in Puerto Ricos punk scene and although not as active in recent times, the band makes sure they play a few shows every year for their faithful fans. The groups different line-ups read as a genealogical tree of the local scene, including long-standing members Giancarlo Cervoni and Sergio Narváez, both former members of Dávila 666. To honor this seminal band, new independent label Discos Diaspora launch Antología on April 19, a limited edition tape compiling Necronazis recorded output in its entirety.

ROMANIA: Babylon NoiseTheory Of Mind - I Felt The SunCluj-based band Theory Of Mind has built up a large fanbase in just a few months. A dream-pop group with psychedelic and experimental influences, they have shaken the foundations of Romanian music - for good.

SCOTLAND: The Pop CopFatherson - JamesFatherson are idols to many in Scotland and, having just released their debut album I Am An Island, now is the perfect time for the rest of world to catch on. Their music is more accomplished and rewarding than you might expect from a rock band in their early 20s. There are no unfocused thrashy rackets here, just considered creativity and a very intelligent approach to dynamics and song structure. MAP exclusive download James has all the crescendos, singalong verses and punch-the-air choruses you could ever wish for.

SOUTH KOREA: Indieful ROKSaram12saram - Raindrop, Cloud, Typhoon And The SunSaram12saram had been teasing with alluring electronic tunes on SoundCloud a year before the release of the duos debut EP. Raindrop, Cloud, Typhoon And The Sun finally came out at the end of 2013 and a few weeks ago it became available on vinyl. The title track puts the esoteric female vocals first, while the music produces an ambient dreamscape that leaves you wanting more.

SPAIN: MusikornerHUIAS - DealerHUIAS is a duet from northern Spain formed by María Lastra and Alejandro Santana. In 2012 they released their first EP in which they mixed guitar arpeggios with electronic arrangements, keeping folk tradition in mind, but now they are comfortable in the dark side. Their music is mysterious, dreamy but dark. Dealer is the first single from their forthcoming debut album.

UNITED STATES: We Listen For YouThe Deloreans - As Long As Its YouOn their fantastic new single, As Long As Its You, The Deloreans find themselves crafting a slow driving tune with multiple small flourishes coloring the entire sound-space. The vocals are confident and overflowing with emotion as drum kicks and a grandiose chorus keep elevating the constantly evolving song.

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More Web security vulnerability assessment audit and pen testing resources

More Web security vulnerability assessment audit and pen testing resources

Ive been busy in the world of Web security testing - both with work and with writing. Check out these new pieces on the subject. I suspect Ill tick off a "researcher" or two given my business angle and 80/20 Rule-approach of focusing on the most problematic areas of Web security...Still, I hope that these are beneficial to you and what youre trying to accomplish in your organization:

Key Web application security metrics

Taking politics out of the Web security equation

Getting back to basics with Web security

Core causes of Web security risks and what you can do about them

Security Considerations When Using AWS Cloud Services

The Big Security Oversight When Using Amazon Web Services
Dont forget to check out all of my other information security content at www.principlelogic.com/resources. - See more at: http://securityonwheels.blogspot.com/#sthash.hRUYP9DQ.dpuf
Dont forget to check out all of my other information security content at www.principlelogic.com/resources. - See more at: http://securityonwheels.blogspot.com/#sthash.hRUYP9DQ.dpuf

By the way, with the continued banter/debate around vulnerability assessments v. audits. v. pen tests, heres my two cents on the subject:
Is it a pen test, an audit, or a vulnerability assessment?

Dont forget to check out all of my other information security content at www.principlelogic.com/resources

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Naina नैना Dangal 2017 Full Lyrics Full Video Song Hd Mp4

Naina नैना Dangal 2017 Full Lyrics Full Video Song Hd Mp4

Naina - ???? (Dangal 2016) Full Lyrics Video Song Hd
Naina - ???? (Dangal 2016) Full Lyrics Video Song Hd 

Song: Naina

Movie: Dangal (2017)

Singer:Arijit Singh

Lyrics: Amitabh Bhattacharya

Music: Pritam

Music Lable: Zee Music Company

Lyrics Of Naina In Hindi:

Jhootha Jag Rain Basera
Saachha Dard Mera..
Mrig Trishna Sa Mog Piya..
Naata Mera Tera..

Naina.. Jo Saanjhe Khwab Dekhte The
Naina.. Bechad Ke Aaj Ro Diya Hai Yun..
Naina.. Jo Milke Raat Jaagte The
Naina.. Sehar Mein Palken Michte Hai Yun..

Juda Huve Kadam
Jinhone Li Thi Ye Kasam
Milke Chalenge Hardum
Ab Baant Te Hain Ye Gham

Bheege Naina.. Jo Khidkiyon Se Jhagte They Naina
Ghutan Mein Band Ho Gaye Hai Yun..

Sans Hairaan Hai Mann Pareshan Hai..
Ho Rahi Si Kyun Ruaansa Yeh Meri Jaan Hai..
Kyun Neerasha Se Hai As Haari Huyi
Kyun Sawalon Ka Utha Sa Dil Mein Toofaan Hai..

Naina.. Thhe Aasmaan Ke Sitaare
Naina.. Grahan Mein Aaj Toot Te Hain Yun
Naina.. Kabhi Jo Dhoop Senk Te Thhe
Naina.. Thehar Ke Chhaaon Dhoondhte Hain Yun

Juda Hue Kadam
Jinhon Ne Li Thi Ye Kasam
Milke Chalenge Hardum
Ab Baant Te Hai Ye Gum

Bheege Naina, Jo Sanjhe Khwab Dekhte They Naina
Bichad Ke Aaj Roo Diye Hai Yun..

Naina Full Song Official Video Youtube:

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My Movie Alphabet

My Movie Alphabet

Mettel is hosting a blogathon asking bloggers to create their alphabet out of all things movie related. I did something like this back in the dark ages, but then it was restricted to just movie titles. Here, were going for anything and everything. So without further ado, heres the alphabet I abide by in my life:

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: 50/50, 28 Days Later..., 127 Hours,
(500) Days of Summer is a film which I constantly go back to, because it makes me laugh and cry and feel happy and feel sad all at once. It is so beautifully made, too. I mean, it has a dance sequence in it, and theres that expectations/reality scene. It makes me a little angry that Marc Webb went on to direct The Amazing Spider-Man after this. I mean, Im happy that hes deservedly moving onto bigger things, but I dont think blockbusters are really his forte. Indie films like these are. And Ill love Joseph Gordon-Levitt forever.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: All About Eve, An Education, American Psycho, American Beauty, Animal Kingdom, Anne Hathaway, Alfred Hitchcock
Amy Adams is probably my favourite modern actress. Ive seen her in just about everything, and moreso, Ive never been disappointed in her work. Shes just so bright and bubbly, and she always brings that loveliness to whatever shes in. While shes built her career on being squeaky clean and innocent (mostly thanks to her Oscar worthy turn as a real-life Disney princess in Enchanted), shes not really afraid of much. She just keeps getting better and better.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: Black Swan, Bette Davis, Brit Marling, Before Sunrise/Sunset, Beginners, Blue Valentine, Boogie Nights
Admittedly, Batmans inclusion in this list is because I would have ended up putting all of Nolans Bat trilogy in here somehow, so I thought sticking it under B was the best. I did like the previous versions of Batmans story (Batman & Robin is a masterpiece, hahahaha), but Christopher Nolans reworkings are among my favourite things ever. I love The Dark Knight the most, but I have a feeling that a few more watches of The Dark Knight Rises might alter that. Batman Begins was exceptional too, but something has to come last.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: Cillian Murphy, Carrie, Cate Blanchett, Casablanca, City Lights, Colin Firth, Christian McKay
This one is an obvious choice. I may not be the kind of fangirl who sends critics death threats because they dont like one of Christopher Nolans films, but I do love him more than most things on this Earth. Hes just so awesome. Like, he just walks around, as cool as a cucumber, wearing his suits even though its the middle of Summer. And when he talks about films and stuff, hes so articulate. Plus, his voice is so interesting to listen to because it wavers between a British and American accent. And he doesnt have a mobile phone or an email address because hes just that cool. Seriously, all I want to do is be a part of his family. Thats my life goal.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: Darren Aronofsky, Downton Abbey, Days of Heaven, Daniel Craig, The Devil Wears Prada, Drive, Danny Boyle
David Fincher is just a classy guy. He makes all kinds of movies - usually the kinds that have really sadistic themes - and he makes them with class. He just exudes class in a way that is different to everyone else. His filmography is fantastic, with my favourite of his being The Social Network (I never knew that a movie about Facebook could be that good), but thats followed closely behind by the likes of Fight Club, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Zodiac, Se7en and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: Emma Stone, Emily Blunt, Enchanted, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Ewan McGregor
Ezra Miller hasnt exactly been around for very long - with his debut, Afterschool, originating in 2008 - but with a small filmography he has easily solidified himself as one of tomorrows biggest talents. His most famous role is probably as Kevin in We Need to Talk About Kevin, a role he played with such terrifying intensity that I still cant shake the film. Now Ive seen the large majority of his films I only have The Perks of Being a Wallflower to look forward to, and Im sure hell rock in that. Plus, Ezra is an extremely interesting person who generally doesnt give a crap about what Hollywood wants him to be, and I admire that.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: Frank Capra, Fight Club, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Fish Tank
(pictured: Sofia Coppola, Andrea Arnold, Kathryn Bigelow, Jane Campion)
Because lady power behind the lens is still sadly lacking and one day I hope to join this elite club. Just as a side note: how in hell is Kathryn Bigelow rolling around to the big 6-0? She looks so young!

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: Gone with the Wind, George Cukor, Grave of the Fireflies, Grace Kelly, Guy Pearce
Because Goodfellas is infinitely awesome. And I even managed to not laugh at Ray Liotta once. Okay, thats probably a lie but this film is still extremely wonderful.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: Heath Ledger, Hunger, Humphrey Bogart, Hugh Jackman
"Im Amber, Brad, Tammy, Fender, Brenda, Sketch, Shelly, IQ, Lou-ann, Joey, Mikey, Vicky, Becky, Bix, Jessie, Darla, Paulie, Noreen, Doreen...and Im *shakes hips* Link." - The fact that I still know this roll call off by heart should be adequate proof of how much I loved - and still love - Hairspray.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: Im Here, In Bruges, Inglourious Basterds, It Happened One Night, Ingrid Bergman
I know I havent seen you at all this year, but I will love you forever, Inception.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: Juno, Jennifer Lawrence, James Marsden, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Judy Garland, James Stewart, Julianne Moore, Juno Temple
Because my entire world revolves around Jessica Chastain at the moment. And thats probably not an exaggeration. Shes absolutely gorgeous, sweet, and exponentially talented. I so wish I could go and see her and my other favourite person at the moment, Dan Stevens, in The Heiress on Broadway. But Im afraid Id die of excitement if I was in the same room as them.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: Kirsten Dunst, Krzysztof Kieslowski, Kate Winslet, Katharine Hepburn, Kick-Ass, Kathryn Bigelow
Aha, didnt see that one coming, did ya? Just in case you didnt know, good old Scarlett OHaras (of Gone with the Wind fame) first name was actually Katie. So I thought Id slip her in here. She may do some pretty silly stuff, but theres no denying shes a force to be reckoned with, and Vivien Leigh was absolutely explosive in the part.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: Leonardo DiCaprio, Lana Del Reys music videos, Let the Right One In, Little Shop of Horrors, Love Actually, Liam Neeson
I just adore Sofia Coppola films, and this one is my favourite. Plus, Im going to watch this movie over and over again for the next one and a half months because then Ill know where to go in TOKYO! Ahhhhhhhhhhh, Im so excited!

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: Mulholland Dr., Magnolia, Mark Ruffalo, Michael Caine, Marlon Brando, Michael Fassbender, Mark Strong, Martin Scorsese
Memento is my favourite film, so of course it had to be in here.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: Nicholas Hoult, Natalie Portman, Natalie Wood, No Country for Old Men, Nosferatu
Never Let Me Go is possibly one of the most underrated films of the past few years. It flew under the radar and got a middling response from most, but in my opinion, it was better than the book. Thats because of the heart-breaking performances from Carey Mulligan, Andrew Garfield and Keira Knightley, which really should have featured highly in the 2011 awards season.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: Our Idiot Brother, Olivia De Havilland
I fell in love with Olivia Williams after seeing her performance in The Ghost Writer, which I still contest is the best performance from any 2010 film. Since then, Ive been slowly catching up on her filmography and making sure that I dont miss any of her new performances. Shes a wonderful, extremely underrated actress.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: The Pianist, The Prestige, Pulp Fiction, Psycho, Patricia Clarkson, Paul Rudd, Princess Merida
Paul Thomas Anderson has achieved so much at such a young age. He makes his own brand of films. There will be Blood was a modern epic that felt like it was from another time. Magnolia was a multi-faceted tale that few people could pull off. And now The Master is out and really working the minds of todays audiences. I adore him.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: Quiz Show
Quentin Tarantino is another filmmaker who makes his own brand of films. And I love him for that. Ever since I first saw Pulp Fiction at the age of 12, Ive wanted to be QT. I hope that he doesnt retire so soon, because that would be a gigantic loss to cinema.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: Requiem for a Dream, Robert Downey Jr., The Red Shoes, Red Riding trilogy, Ryan Gosling
Duh. Ralph Fiennes is my second favourite actor, and a damn fine looking man as well. His performance in Schindlers List is still my favourite performance of all time, and it would take one hell of a performance to even come near its quality.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: Schindlers List, Steven Spielberg, Shame, The Social Network, Sissy Spacek, Sofia Coppola, Saoirse Ronan, Sunrise
S was a letter I struggled with, because there were so many things I wanted to choose. I wound up choosing Steve McQueen because after only two films, he has solidified himself as one of my favourite directors. Hunger and Shame are beautifully depressing pieces of art. McQueen has an eye for bring beauty out of the toughest things, as evident in his two films. I cant wait for whatever the future brings for him.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: Terrence Malick, Take Shelter, There Will Be Blood, Tom Hardy, Toy Story trilogy, Tom Hiddleston
T was another letter I struggled with, because there were so many options, but Krzysztof Kieslowskis Three Colours trilogy came out on top. It is hard to believe that it has been a whole year since I saw these films, which also managed to change my perspective on films as a whole. Theyre stunning pieces, with the connections between the three being so wonderfully subtle before coming to a heart-breaking climax.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: The Umbrellas of Cherbourg, Up
Up in the Air is a film which I constantly go back to, because I love the quick-fire script by Jason Reitman and Sheldon Turner, which is filled with quite depressing social commentary. Vera Farmiga is luminous in this film, too.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: The Virgin Suicides, Vivre Sa Vie, Vampires Kiss, Vera Farmiga
Of course I had to put in Vivien Leigh in here. This post will tell you why.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: War Horse, Waterloo Bridge, We Need to Talk About Kevin, Woody Harrelson
It is coming up five years since I first saw Waitress, and since then Ive watched this film at least 15 times. Which is never a good idea, since I always get depressed because I cant make the pies that Jenna makes. Adrienne Shellys final film is warmly funny, but also extremely sad. Just how I like it.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: X-Men: First Class
I could have put X-Men, but I wanted to be different. And if it wasnt for Mean Girls, I wouldnt know that this word existed.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: Young Adult
(pictured are Emma Stone, Saoirse Ronan, Juno Temple and Jennifer Lawrence)
I can never wrap my head around how these young people do what they do in films. The under 25 crowd in films at the moment is particularly impressive - and they all seem to be giving the more experienced people a run for their money.

I thought of adding these, but I didnt: Zodiac, Zombieland, Zooey Deschanel
After The Perks of Being a Wallflower - which Im certain were never going to get in NZ - Zero Dark Thirty is my most anticipated film at the moment. Admittedly because the latest trailer showed off a lot of Jessica Chastain and she may roll her way to the Oscars again, but also because Kathryn Bigelow is behind it. January 31st, Ill be there with bells on.

Theres my movie alphabet. Have you had a go yet, or do you have some inspiration now?

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