Thursday, January 26, 2017

My Lists for 2006

My Lists for 2006

OK – I stole this list-ing idea and the headings from Crazy Aunt Purl. Think of it as self imposed Meme Tagging. I do believe she gave me permission with the following: I do hope youll make a list, not so much Resolutions as goals and hopes and your own To-Do and To-Dont pile for the coming year. May your list be bulleted and bold! Or numbered and small. It does not matter. To list is to live. To list online is to live out loud!
May you ... list long and prosper.

My 2006 List of TO-DOs and TO-DONTs

Money Things:

• Bring lunch to work a lot
• Cut trips to grocery store down to 1 per week instead of the nightly "Nothing at home sounds good maybe a trip through the drive through will help..."
• Deposit money into savings account each paycheck.
• Stop buying stuff that I dont need.
• Balance Check Book monthly – stop with the guessing.
• Cook more – your kids like your cooking and its hi-time they learn some kitchen skills too

The Size Of My Ass:
• Do Pilates at least 3 times per week
• Eat healthier stuff
• Eat vegetables.
• Drink more water.
• Get clothes that fit and flatter

Personal Good Stuff:
• Every day, choose happy over sad, free over constrained, liberated over abandoned, and laugh a lot. Wake up the next day and repeat.
• Plant a garden and tend to it all season – enjoy eating the fruits and vegetables of my labors with my children
• Go on a trip. (Ft. Collins, Dallas, Houston, Who knows - JUST GO!)
• Stop procrastinating. Just stop it already.
• Moisturize.
• Floss.
• Play mini-golf
• Host a dinner party in which I actually cook dinner
• Do something fun on my birthday. Even if Im broke due to sons birthdays.
• Play "Clean Sweep" in each room at least one room per month

• Up contribution to the 401(k) plan
• Get new heat and air system at home (may cut out the trip)
• Schedule vacation time.
• Work hard. Make deadlines a day early.
• Look at all the options.
• Have a positive attitude. Especially at work and with all co-workers. Suit up, show up and act as if....
• Send thank-you notes

• Finish the niecelings sweaters
o one cast on (1/3 done) black-diamond
o one in yarn – not sure of pattern yet
• Make the fingerless gloves so that my hands will stay warm during the chilly "I sit by the front door that everyone walks through" winter
• Make Eris for me
• Finish sons Gryffendor scarf
• Begin any Christmas Knitting early so as to impress teachers
• Make something for Sons Kindergarten teacher (Kiri or Flowerbasket)

Finally... The Not-To-Do List:
• Dont say "yes" to things just because someone springs them on me at the last minute. Instead, say "Let me think about it and get back to you."
• Time is sparse, life if short. Dont waste it on useless things, people, memories, obligations.
• Dont worry about stuff I cant change anyway.
• Dont expect other people to live by my values.
• Dont compromise my values for anyone.
• Dont choose the known over the unknown just because its comfortable.
• Dont waste time on stupid stuff or mean stuff. Frequently ask myself "Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?"
• Dont minimize success.

This list is subject to change and modification of course.

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